
New material recovery facility opened in Banyuwangi under Project STOP's expansion program

Photo: Project STOP employees take a tour of the new materials recovery facility; Copyright: Project STOP

Copyright: Project STOP


Photo: Employees wearing helmets and safety vests during waste disposal in front of a green vehicle; Copyright: Project STOP

Source: Project STOP

Photo: Government representatives and Project STOP partners in safety vest, yellow rubber boots and with white helmets stand next to each other; Copyright: Project STOP

Source: Project STOP

Photo: Volunteers of the Behavior Change Campaign in safety clothing explain to some people the importance of waste separation in the household; Copyright: Project STOP

Source: Project STOP

Photo: Project STOP employees stand in front of a blue wall. Director Sustainability & Public Affairs at Borealis, Abdullah Azwar Anas speaks into a microphone; Copyright: Project STOP

Source: Project STOP

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