
Turning plastic waste into sustainable growth: Driving Circular Economy in Kenya

Interview with Lorna Rutto, Founder of Ecopost and Markus Horcher, Director Sustainability & Public Affairs, Borealis

Exclusively for K-MAG

Image: Some women talking to each other surrounded by plastic waste; Copyright: Ecopost

Copyright: Ecopost


Image: Lorna Rutto; Copyright: Ecopost

Lorna Rutto. Copyright: Ecopost

Image: Markus Horcher; Copyright: Borealis

Markus Horcher. Copyright: Borealis

Image: Group photo of Lorna Rutto and the waste collectors; Copyright: Ecopost

Ecopost founder Lorna Rutto and her dedicated team of waste pickers: Together, they turn plastic waste into sustainable growth boosters for Kenya. Copyright: Ecopost

Image: Women carrying plastic waste together; Copyright: Ecopost

The joint mission brings change: Lorna Rutto and Ecopost's dedicated collectors in action. Copyright: Ecopost

Nastassja Lotz (Editorial team K-MAG)

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