Recyclability as the key to the circular economy: A reform of Section 21 of the German Packaging Act could ensure that ecological packaging is consistently preferred. Financial incentives and objective criteria play a key role in changing the market in the long term.13.12.2024
Dow has introduced a suite of low-carbon material solutions designed to assist the footwear industry in producing more sustainable products without compromising performance. This expanded portfolio includes bio-circular materials, reversible cross-linking resins, post-consumer recycled resins, and polyolefin elastomers suitable for artificial leather applications.25.11.2024
Mount to Coast, a leader in ultrarunning footwear, has partnered with BASF to introduce CircleCELL™, an innovative running shoe midsole. The midsole, made from BASF’s ecoflex® BMB, blends sustainability with high performance, offering enhanced durability and energy return. This collaboration marks a significant step toward eco-friendly advancements in sports footwear.06.09.2024
This innovative approach not only offers a sustainable solution to plastic pollution but also provides a new life for materials that would otherwise be discarded.31.07.2024
The right outfit for every sport. Even for a short jog after work, sports enthusiasts can access sophisticated equipment. From breathable sports shirts and cooling running tights to running shoes. The choice is diverse. However, there is one unifying factor that most models have in common - plastics are used in their manufacture.05.07.2024
Biolive, a pioneering biotechnology company, has launched a new biopolymer production facility in Istanbul, Türkiye, capable of producing 9,600 tons annually. Using olive pits as raw material, this innovative process aims to replace fossil-based plastics, offering a sustainable solution for the plastics industry.31.05.2024
The European Men's Football Championship is casting its shadow ahead. It will take place in Germany from 14 June to 14 July 2024 and promises exciting matches and thrilling moments. But it's not just the players who are in the spotlight. The materials used also play a decisive role in the success of a match: plastics.03.05.2024
It defies wind and weather and protects us from a wide range of environmental influences: Functional clothing. Special coatings are responsible for this. Polyacrylates or polyurethanes, which are based on crude oil and therefore a finite resource, are often used for this purpose. The DITF are therefore researching alternatives from renewable sources – including polymers from bacteria.27.03.2024
The textile industry is in the midst of a green transformation, with sustainability and recycling taking centre stage. This change is being driven by a growing awareness of the environmental impact of textile production and consumption. Plastics, particularly synthetic fibres such as polyester and nylon, are ubiquitous in the industry due to their versatility and cost-effectiveness.11.03.2024
Scientists at King's College London have unveiled a novel chemical recycling method, leveraging enzymes found in laundry detergents, to break down single-use bioplastics in record time. Published in Cell Reports Physical Sciences, this innovative approach promises a more sustainable cycle for plastics, traditionally seen as a challenge due to their long degradation period.01.03.2024
In a significant advancement for sustainable materials management, CARBIOS has teamed up with De Smet Engineers & Contractors (DSEC), renowned for its Engineering, Procurement, and Construction services in the biotech and agro-processing sectors. This collaboration aims to launch the world's first PET biorecycling plant in Longlaville, France, set to be operational by 2025.02.02.2024
KraussMaffei and Synergy Horizon have jointly developed a new type of bio-based reinforced thermoplastic that prioritises functionality and sustainability.04.10.2023
Anyone who chooses the bicycle as a means of transport instead of the car every day saves the environment 3.2 kilograms of climate-damaging CO2. In addition, plastics can help to reduce CO2 emissions from the production and transport of bicycles. They can be used in all components and therefore make cycling even more environmentally friendly. This is shown by the following examples:17.08.2023
ADAM could redefine plastics manufacturing. A big claim, but not without reason: Behind the acronym ADAM is a software called "Advanced Dimension Additive Manufacturing" that caused a real stir at K 2022. The impressive result of this software in action? A high-performance screw extruder controlled by an agile jointed-arm robot.19.07.2023
The asparagus season in Germany has officially been over for about a month now – but at the Institute for Bioplastics and Biocomposites (IfBB), it is still going strong. The "SpaPlast" research project shows how asparagus peels can be used as a filler for bioplastics. The project is funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection.22.06.2023
The startup traceless materials GmbH has developed the compostable biomaterial traceless®, which is considered a nature-based, environmentally friendly alternative to plastic. The project is funded with around 5 million euros from the Environmental Innovation Program of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMUV).08.06.2023
As part of project RUBIO, the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP is developing novel types of the bioplastic polybutylene succinate (PBS). The bioplastic films made from PBS are recyclable, biodegradable and can be processed on standard extrusion lines.18.05.2023
The company LAPP is using a new bio-based plastic from BASF for the sustainable version of its ETHERLINE® FD P Cat.5e for Industrial Ethernet. The bio-based plastic is Elastollan® N, the thermoplastic polyurethane from BASF, which is part of its circular economy strategy.17.05.2023
CO2BioClean is using an innovative process to produce biodegradable plastics and polymers from CO₂ as a circularly sourced feedstock. What is driving them is their vision for a sustainable future and the potential of their technology to contribute towards global efforts to reduce CO₂ emissions and the use of fossil fuels in the production of plastics.11.05.2023
Colorado State University polymer chemists have created a synthetic Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) platform. These newly designed PHAs are mechanically tough, even outperforming the two most common commodity plastics. Among other things, this is intended to address the thermal instability of conventional PHAs and is a major step toward sustainability.27.04.2023
The two companies BluCon Biotech GmbH and LG Chem Ltd entered into an investment agreement. Together, they plan to work on a novel process to convert lignocellulosic non-food raw materials into high-purity lactic acid.06.02.2023
Fraunhofer researchers, in collab with industrial partners, have achieved initial success in the development of bio-based flame retardants in bioplastics. In the future, it could therefore be possible to utilize plastics in electronics and electrical engineering that consist of 100% bio-based materials. Processing was tested by means of compounding, injection molding and additive manufacturing.19.01.2023
As early as 1908, textile engineer Jacques Brandenberger invented cellophane, a film made of natural polymers. However, the material was displaced by synthetic polymers with the development of numerous plastics. In the wake of the climate crisis, natural polymers are now coming back into focus as an alternative to fossil raw materials. traceless offers such an alternative.22.11.2022
REHAU chooses Borealis' Bornewables™ over conventional polypropylene (PP) for production of their RAUKANTEX evo sustainable edgebands. The robust and durable Bornewables™ feature color-stable chemistry and flexibility and are suitable for processing straight and contoured edges.11.07.2022
Scientists from EPFL's School of Basic Sciences have successfully developed a biomass-derived plastic. Similar to PET, it meets the criteria for replacing several current plastics while being more environmentally friendly.09.05.2022
The two companies Brüskem and Sojitz cooperate within a partnership to produce and market the bioMEG (monoethylene glycol) and bioMPG (monopropylene glycol). This joint venture aims to promote sustainable development and combine the expertise of both companies.12.04.2022
A research team at São Paulo State University (UNESP) made their bioplastic from type B bovine gelatin. Besides nanoclay the material is produced from clay and a nanoemulsion of black pepper essential oil.12.04.2022
Researchers have identified a bacterial enzyme that can produce a new type of polysaccharide similar to the biopolymer chitin. The new molecule could be useful for drug delivery, tissue engineering and other biomedical applications. It is also biodegradable.04.04.2022
MIT researchers has engineered a composite made mostly from cellulose nanocrystals mixed with a bit of synthetic polymer. The material could pave the way for sustainable plastics.18.01.2022
With AlgX, the French industrial project Eranova has developed a product that responds to two global problems: Plastic pollution and algae pollution. It is a technology patented in 30 countries that allows the production of bio-based, recyclable, biodegradable and compostable plastics from green algae in the spirit of upcycling.14.01.2022
The Institute for Bioplastics and Biocomposites presents the new edition of its brochure with the title "Biopolmers - Facts and statistics" to show how the bioplastics market is developing.03.01.2022
There's a lot of plastic in the ocean. Much of it comes from the single-use items that we're all familiar with, such as food wrappers and microbeads that inadvertently wind up in the sea. But a growing amount is coming from plastics that are actually made to be used in marine environments, such as instrumentation used for an emerging ocean "Internet of Things."03.01.2022
Plastics have taken the world by storm over the last century, finding applications in virtually every aspect of our lives. However, the rise of these synthetic polymers, which form the basis of plastics, has contributed to many serious environmental issues. The worst of these is the excessive use of petrochemical compounds and the disposal of non-biodegradable materials without recycling.27.10.2021
Researchers at the University of Göttingen have developed a new method to create environmentally friendly bioplastics from renewable raw materials.06.10.2021
The idea of biodegradable plastics sounds good at first. However, very little is known about how they are degraded in the soil and how this is influenced by climate change. In two recent studies, soil ecologists have shown which microbial community is responsible for degradation, what role the climate plays in this process, and why biodegradable plastics could still be problematic.15.09.2021
Recyclable plastic has been recorded on popular beaches and urban watercourses in Adelaide, South Australia – highlighting the need for more efforts to remove and reuse all plastics from waste streams, particularly in urban areas.09.09.2021
Once more, the IK initiative ERDE (Crop Plastics Recycling Germany) was able to significantly increase its collection volumes in 2020. At 543 fixed collection points and 1936 mobile collections, a total of 26,910 tons of agricultural films were collected and recycled.03.09.2021
A breakthrough by researchers at the University of South Florida (USF) and collaborating institutions around the world could pave the way for better products, such as improved batteries, automobile paint and cellphone screens.03.08.2021
As consumers and corporations alike become more environmentally conscious, the chemical industry is working to find solutions to the plastic waste crisis. One idea is to use biodegradable polymers known as polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) as replacements for traditional plastic packaging and other materials.27.07.2021
Alongside many other industries, the automotive sector is also moving in the green direction. Electromobility is booming. However, plastics produced from non-renewable raw materials such as petroleum are also installed in e-cars. Röchling Automotive has recognized the need for bioplastics that meet the high requirements for automotive applications – and has developed BioBoom.26.07.2021
Bioplastics – biodegradable plastics made from biological substances rather than petroleum – can be created in a more economical and environmentally friendly way from the byproducts of corn stubble, grasses and mesquite agricultural production, according to a new study by a Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientist.22.07.2021
While the Corona pandemic initially had a negative impact on almost all markets, the plastics industry benefited in the course of 2020 due to the increasing demand for personal protective equipment, to-go packaging for food and household items. The chemical company Braskem is also noticing this development in Brazil.05.07.2021
Researchers have created a plant-based, sustainable, scalable material that could replace single-use plastics in many consumer products.15.06.2021
Woodly Ltd., Finnish developer of wood based plastic, has raised EUR 3 million in growth funding for the commercialisation and internationalisation of their product innovation.09.06.2021
Instructions for the production of artificial cow horn. Almost 500 years old is the recipe for the production of artificial horn and thus currently the oldest known German recipe for plastic.01.06.2021
Soon, packaging for take-away foods might be completely based on local, sustainable materials instead of fossil-based products. In a new research project, a packaging solution based on upcycled grass fibres is being developed.01.06.2021
Catalytic process to efficiently convert polyethylene to jet fuel and high-value lubricants31.05.2021
Presented at K 2019 in Düsseldorf and now used to clean up the edge of the world: Lindner Recyclingtech’s Micromat 1500. Circular economy pioneer Comberplast has been using the machine to successfully shred old fishing nets and ropes collected from the coast of Patagonia.17.05.2021
The Fraunhofer IAP wants to develop a composite material that consists entirely of bio-based polylactic acid (PLA) and is significantly easier to recycle than conventional fiber composites.03.05.2021
Researchers at the Laboratory of Cluster Catalysis at St Petersburg University have synthesised polymers from biomass. What makes them different is that they can be easily recycled.01.04.2021
Finding innovative and sustainable solutions to our material needs is one of the core objectives of green chemistry. The myriad plastics that envelop our daily life – from mattresses to food and cars - are mostly made from oil-based monomers which are the building blocks of polymers.01.04.2021
Every year around 734 million tons of wheat straw are produced worldwide, a large amount of waste, which is cheap and has had no well-defined use until now. Recently, research groups at the University of Córdoba have been able to give a new use to this agricultural excess material, by using it as the foundation in order to manufacture polyurethane foams.25.03.2020
In a joint research project, the Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS and the technical film producer POLIFILM Extrusion GmbH, are working to engineer biopolymer-based films for food packaging. In this project, the specialists relied on chitosan coatings to increase the resistance of food to microbiological impacts.04.02.2020
Wearable biosensors that non-invasively monitor health and fitness are growing in popularity among adults. But adapting this technology for use with babies is difficult because the devices are often bulky or have rigid surfaces that could harm infants' delicate skin. Now researchers say they have developed a pacifier-based biosensor that tracks real-time glucose levels in saliva.