
Logistics: eco-friendly and economical transport with plastic pallets

Interview with Wolfgang P. Albeck, CEO, trans-o-flex Express GmbH & Co. KGaA

Exclusively for K-MAG

Image: Logistics centre from above; Copyright: trans-o-flex

Pallets made of plastic can make logistics more sustainable. Copyright: trans-o-flex


Image: Wolfgang P. Albeck; Copyright: trans-o-flex

Wolfgang P. Albeck. Copyright: trans-o-flex

Image: stacked plastic pallets in orange; Copyright: trans-o-flex

A wooden pallet weighs 24 kg, but becomes heavier over time due to moisture. A plastic pallet weighs only 18 kg. Copyright: trans-o-flex

Image: Plastic pallet in orange; Copyright: trans-o-flex

Plastic pallets cause 50% less CO2 than wooden pallets. Copyright: trans-o-flex

Elena Blume (Editorial team K-MAG)

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