
Chemical recycling: the supreme discipline for the Circular Economy in the plastics industry?

How SÜDPACK promotes the circular economy in the packaging sector through chemical recycling

Exclusively for K-Mag

Image: Glass containers with oil; Copyright: ARTFULLY79

By 2040, more than 20 million tonnes of new plastic could be saved. This is the conclusion of the WWF study 'Verpackungswende jetzt!' (= 'Packaging Turnaround Now').


Image: Dirk Hardow; Copyright: SÜDPACK Verpackungen GmbH

Dirk Hardow, Head of Business Unit Manager Functional Films and Compounds, SÜDPACK Verpackungen GmbH. Copyright: SÜDPACK Verpackungen GmbH

Introduction to chemical recycling at SÜDPACK

Innovative technologies and processes

Image: Plant for chemical recycling; Copyright: SÜDPACK Verpackungen GmbH

With chemical recycling, contaminated or mixed plastics can be recycled. Copyright: SÜDPACK Verpackungen GmbH

Advantages of chemical recycling compared to mechanical recycling

More around Recycling

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