
Digital Recycling Tool

How CYCLOPS is Transforming the Circular Economy

Exclusively for K-Mag

Image: small, colorful plastic parts enlarged with a magnifying glass; Copyright: SKZ

CYCLOPS is a free open source platform for the plastics recycling industry. It supports waste owners, recyclers and processors in making the best economic and environmentally friendly recycling decisions. Copyright: SKZ


Image: Jan Werner; Copyright: SKZ

Dr Jan Werner, Group Leader 'Sustainable and Circular Products', SKZ – Das Kunststoff-Zentrum. Copyright: SKZ

Image: Logo CYCLOPS

Tools like CYCLOPS close information gaps and promote the Circular Economy by supporting more sustainable decisions.

Image: Logo CYCLOPS partners (SKZ, Wuppertal Institute, CIRPLUS and Green Delta)

CYCLOPS was developed by SKZ, the Wuppertal Institute, GreenDelta and Cirplus.

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